Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lock up your kids, the worlds gone INSANE...who gave this guy pen?

To start let me just point out that everybody is entitled to their own opinion... That is why I can honestly say in my opinion that David Kupelian is a hypocrite!! I feel for his son, I really do, and when his son shifts into his teen years and begins to rebel, as teenagers are most famous for, I would like to see if his “perfect” parenting and boy scout oaths can “bring him back” from the devilish, unthinkable, unspeakable ‘child-molesting monster we call culture’. I don not know that Kupelian can keep his son hidden from the outside world. This would prove unhealthy and detrimental as it will give him a bias view of the world. I mean really I have not come from what he would call a proper home or even a sane family but I do not think that I will be the next in line to be chasing HIV. Kupelian basically alludes that unless you home school your children, enrol them in Christian youth groups and shelter them from today’s sickening world than they will slit their tongue, wrists and eyelids and get genital piercings with connecting chains to other young peoples genital piercings whose parents were baby boomers and who god forbid believed in liberalism.

Kupelian is in denial, the church is no longer the government. Even when it was, we saw a time of what I would call greater damage, when people were hung willy nilly to solve problems. He is basically saying that the freedom that so many have fought for should now be taken away.
Also, I think it charming how he writes that a guy can just show up to a girls door step and get sex... I am quite sure that if a guy showed up at my door step expecting sexual favours than I would call the cops.

While I do not believe that this “bug chasing” phenomenon is safe, I think it is safe to say that the population of this sub-culture would be minute, and it is not fair to generalise and say that all of today’s youths are heading down that path. I do believe however that if a person so desires to practice different activities such as suspension and piercing to reach a higher level of spirituality and consciousness than they are entitled to do so. These kinds of activities are harmless to society and our most important right is free will to do whatever we wish.

Further to this I see many parallels between these activities and going to church and praying etc. They both allow a person to calm themselves, think clearly and achieve a higher level of spirituality. Furthermore there is a long history of self mutilation in Christianity. For example the practice of wearing a “Cilice” involves a person wearing a spiked metal belt around their thigh as a form of penance or as a way of following in the foot steps of Jesus. Indeed sacrifice and fasting etc is at the heart of Christian teachings. How is this any different to what today’s sub cultures are doing?

Above: Cilice

Kupelian is very quick to denounce the beliefs, actions and practices of others. Yet at the very heart of his Christian teachings are love, understanding and above all forgiveness. I believe that Kupelian is being hypocritical and untrue to his own faith by denouncing all other practices and beliefs but his own. Further to this Kupelien states; “During the mid-20th century, a malevolent spirit swept over Germany, leading to unspeakable crimes being perpetrated against millions of Jews and other "undesirables" in the name of progress.” The rise of Hitler during this time was brought about by much brain washing, tunnel vision teaching, propaganda, and registration to movements such as the Hitler youth. The picture that Kupelian paints of his “New America” sounds dangerously similar to Hitler’s vision of Germany during the mid 20th century. An autocratic state where one system of values and beliefs is upheld and all others denounced as leading to the fiery pits of hell. If history has taught us one thing it is that above all, the rights of freedom speech, freedom of choice, freedom of religion and indeed free will itself are our most important civil liberties. Kupelian is no more that a single minded dictator looking to impose his antiquated beliefs upon a world that has past him by.

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