Monday, April 28, 2008

Jam it up Consumer Culture

Culture jamming can best be described as a resistance movement against consumer society. It refers to the alteration of billboards and other forms of media sabotage. The logic of culture jamming is to convey easily identifiable images into larger questions about corporate responsibility and fairness. The term "culture jamming" has been around for quite some time making its début on Negativland’s Jamcon `84 (SST) cassette. Negativland had an active role in conducting media pranks. One of their slogans being "Copyright infringement is your best entertainment value". This gives you an idea of their mind set and what they were aiming for with the introduction of culture jamming. Mark Dery ahs been described as the 'best cultural critic alive'. His 1993 essay "Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of the Signs" popularized the term "culture jamming" and further helped to launch the movement. Nowadays the most famous Culture jammers are Adbusters.

Adbusters is a global network whose message is to protest against the ill-treatment and exploitation of a people from corporate businesses. They are a form of online anti-capitalism. Adbusters the magazine is described by the organisation itself as the 'magazine concerned about the erosion of our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces'. It is a not-for-profit, reader supported magazine which has subscribers in over 60 countries. One of the most renowned features of Adbusters is their ranges of black spot V2 unswoosher shoes which they refer to as the ‘mega corporate ass-kicker’. With a 100% organic hemp upper and recycled tire sole they are the natural, people and environment friendly, radical shoes that are made in a union shop located in Europe. This of course means that the continuation of there anti-sweat shop and anti-capitalism theme is maintained.

The following are some examples of Adbusters culture jams.

Below - This culture jam is about how the world is being polluted by
humans and we know it but human kind disregards the fact.

Above Right - This is a Culture jam against Calvin Klein's perfume range Obsession. Obviously it is making a crack at consumerism and how the portrayal of females in media the can drive females in society to be obsessed with their self image.

The Adbusters website can be found at

A differing mode of online protest, not dissimilar from culture jamming, has been the recent McDonald protests in the online game The Sims. A deal was struck with between Sims publisher Electronic Arts and the fast food mega-corporation McDonalds which enables Sims players to open up their own McDonald kiosk AND improve their game statistics by consuming McDonalds greasy products. It has been documented that eating virtual McDonald’s burgers will positively affect your “Fun” and “Hunger” game statistics. Tony Walsh, the founder and Chief Navigator of Phantom Compass, has put the word out to login to the Sims and virtually protest outside the McDonalds corporations. Phantom Compass mission statement reads:

‘We design, produce, and develop games and game content for the entertainment,
education, and communications industries.Our goal is to balance tradition and technology in spinning responsive stories,
designing gripping game-play, and crafting playful tools for global participants.

Some of the ways Walsh came up with to protest against McDonalds was to order McDonalds and then express such gestures and lying down and playing dead or to emote vomiting. All this was in order to protest against the low quality of food sold my McDonalds.

In my opinion culture jamming is a positive prospect for society. It relays messages to societies about certain practices of bigger corporations…practices that these corporations do not wish for the public to catch wind of, such as, exploitation and sweat shops. Adbusters have also been known to communicate harmful properties brought about by some products such as cigarettes and alcohol. These are all concepts that would be less accessible to society if culture jamming did not exist. Their non-violent protest are something to be admired, their truthful approach spreads the word to society about those in the corporate world who sugar coat their products. In other words those in corporate control only convey only the messages that they wants their buyer and potential buyers to think in order to sell their products.